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BioInquirer’ 20 – Bioinquirer

BioInquirer’ 20

IIHS Annual Academic Sessions 2021: Research Forum

“Together, towards Sustainability”

About Conference

The 20th BioInquirer is a research forum held by the International Institute of Health Sciences (IIHS) on the 27th of November 2021 as a virtual online conference. This forum will be embracing the theme “Together, towards Sustainability” which gives a national and multidisciplinary perspective on sustainability. The theme responds to aligning with the 5Ps (People, Peace, Planet, Prosperity, and Partnerships) of the Sustainable Development Goals that were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. This research forum will provide an opportunity for the delegates to exchange their ideas and encourage them to contribute to discussions on the broad range of sustainability and other issues faced today. The 20th BioInquirer will act as a pathway to connect and share new and innovative ideas that can be applied to achieve sustainability


Goals 8, 9, 10, & 11 speak to the issues involving fair and justice systems both in public and private communities and national entities. Therefore, they can be brought together into the category of prosperity.

The 2030 agenda is to leave no one behind. The SDGs are goals that represent and emphasize the importance of the livelihood of all people, to provide an appropriate target for meeting the fundamental demands of all people around the world.

Peace has been a key component of the 2030 agenda’s development, it demonstrates how the international community must work together to maintain and protect peace around the world, preferably through strong institutions of justice rather than military force.

Our future depended on transforming our approaches to responding to the climate crisis. This acceptance describes the issues that our planet faces around the world and can be combined into the category of the planet.

A successful development agenda requires inclusive partnerships at the global, regional, national, and local levels. This aspect is built upon principles and values of a shared vision and goal, which places people and the planet at the centre.


Abstract submission