Research Forum
"Translational Science, Opportunities for Humanity"
IIHS Annual Academic Sessions 2022
The 22nd BioInquirer is a research forum held by the International Institute of Health Sciences (IIHS) on the 23rd of November 2022. This forum will be embracing the theme “Translational Science; Opportunities for Humanity.” which translate scientific insights into actual, practical therapeutic interventions that save peoples’ lives and improve their health. The 22nd BioInquirer intends of bring in a research ambiance among individuals interested in research while providing an opportunity for the delegates to exchange their ideas and encourage them to contribute to discussions on the board range of issues faces by the human race today. This forum will give an opportunity to everyone’s innovative ideas and will not just be a collection of random research presentations, but instead, it will convey an overview of research, highlighting contemporary debates and perspectives on many important topics. The 22nd BioInquirer will aim at bringing out Translational research embracing this year’s theme of ‘Translational Science; Opportunities for humanity’.

Abstract Submission
